C. Bowman Art I Portfolio

Card 1: Line & Rhythm

Card 2: Shape & Movement

Card 3: Form & Proportion

Card 4: Color & Unity

Card 5: Space & Balance

Card 6: Texture & Repetition

Card 7: Value & Pattern

Card 8: Variety

Card 9: Emphasis

I learned about how artists combine elements and techniques to make art. Most of the cards used a combination of one principle and one element. The card featured in the picture is the combination of value and pattern. Value is defined as the lightness or darkness of a color. I used the bottom layer to create a base of both light and dark hues. These hues had a textured look from printing paint on to the card from different items. The dark and light hued side was created using bubble wrap. As the card progressed I added the pattern which for this card would be the dripping effect I created with both acrylic paint and watercolor.

This was one of my top favorite cards to design and to make. The dark and light values of the card create a visually pleasing contrast. The oppositely colored sides creates a battle for the viewer. The different colors and patterns move the viewers eyes across the card. Under the top layer of paint you can see a faint pattern of each of the combating sides of the card. The card itself was made up of about three paint layers, one colored pencil layer and the final layer was water color.

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