Cosmetic Animal Testing Many companies use innocent animals as test dummies for abusive chemical testing.

"'We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal testing] hasn’t worked, and it’s time we stopped dancing around the problem. … We need to refocus and adapt new methodologies for use in humans to understand disease biology in humans.' —Dr. Elias Zerhouni" a quote from the PETA organization in Alternatives to Animal Testing.


Biomedical: These animals are being used for research towards a bigger goal than just beauty. With the understanding of medical research you can find cures for the large population of humans.

Boycott: Groups of people not using animal tested products. With Prohibition companies will lose sales from people trying to keep animals safe.

Cruelty: Pain inflicted on the animals. Not a delightful experience for humans or animals. This can cause extreme injuries and the worst being death.

Innocent: Animals can not hurt the people who are testing on them so they can not help what is happening to them. The people preforming the tests are not innocent for they forcing the animals to suffer.

Petitions: People should know what or where their signature is going so they basic understanding of a petition is needed. To know how peaceful petitions can be for companies to help stop animal harm.

Thwart: The companies that want to rid animal testing are trying to thwart the people who still test on animals. With the use of this word it keeps the two groups ideas separate.

What companies have become cruelty free?

Many organization have become cruelty free, so they want to save animals from irritation of chemical ingredients. While 80% of the world allows cosmetic testing on animals, half of the global cosmetic market is now firmly against testing cosmetics on innocent animals, according to Monica Engebretson from the Huffington Post. Many companies are under the assumption that testing on animals is a fast and reliable way to conduct fast production of goods. Many companies are fighting against the cruel way these animals are treated. Lush Cosmetics launches a campaign, with the Humane Society International this is going to replace animal testing with more modern substitution for REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) testing. These animals could suffer in a multitude of test or ingredients from chemical tests.

How does testing affect animals?

Different companies will perform multiple tests and the most common tests are extremely harmful to animals. According to the Oarsman, Not only death occurs to these animals, but many suffer when they are being tested with toxic chemicals for makeup. Most cosmetic users are not aware of what these animals go through for each trial they occur. With knowledge of the pain these animals go through people would see the torture the innocent animals endure. In the infographic from the Humane Society it remarks, “Worldwide, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Mice, and Rats are blinded, poisoned, and killed to test new cosmetic products and their ingredients.” A large amount of companies use cruel ways to thwart the animals lives with cosmetic product testing.

Which companies use animals for testing?

A large number of cosmetic companies use animal testing because it is an easy and known source of success. “Animal testing is very common in the cosmetic industry. Many cosmetic lines like MAC, Covergirl and Maybelline test on animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters, according to,” says Mireya Curiel from the Oarsman. Many people do not realize the process that everyday products go through to have approved ingredients. Some groups have started petitions to stop organizations from using innocent animals as test subjects.The organization PETA in These Companies Test on Animals, Never Buy their Brands lists many groups such as Avon, Covergirl, Dove, Chapstick, Febreze, Listerine, Vicks, and Windex. With so many everyday products being tested then what companies use the alternatives.

Where has testing been boycotted?

A lot of countries have stopped the use of testing on animals for products. “We've helped to secure full or partial animal testing and/or trade bans in the 28 countries of the European Union, Norway, India, New Zealand and South Korea, and are hard at work in the United States, Canada, Brazil and Latin America, Australia, Taiwan, Japan and elsewhere, campaigning hard for the next wave of legal reforms,” illustrates the Humane Society in their infographic. So many animals have been harmed or killed from harmful chemical ingredient testing. More and more countries are starting to boycott testing and Engebretson of the Huffington Post explains, “The most significant boost to this trend is the closing of the European market to animal tested cosmetics which came into force in March of 2013. An attempt to weaken this ban was thwarted in September 2016 when in response to a legal challenge, the Court of Justice of the European Union confirmed that cosmetics containing ingredients tested on animals outside of the EU after March 2013 cannot be sold. Countries are starting to decline the use of animals for testing. This will help the development of other strategies for testing cosmetics.

What alternatives are being developed?

Cosmetic companies are moving forward with testing in new ways to protect innocent animals. Cruelty Free International explains, Almost every type of a human or animal cell can be grown in the lab. Scientists have even managed to grow cells into 3D structures, such as small human organs, which can be a realistic way to test new therapies. If the skin is made in a biomedical lab it can make faster and easier access to tests. “Harvard’s Wyss Institute has created ‘organs-on-chips’ that contain human cells grown in a state-of-the-art system to mimic the structure and function of human organs and organ systems,” comments the PETA organization in Alternatives to Animal Testing. The use of animal testing labs is decreasing as well as the amount of animals being hurt and killed. Some companies can produce more products faster with the options of skin being grown in a lab.

Works Cited

Adams, Erika. “PETA Has a Plan.” Racked. Vox Media Inc, 24 January 2017, protests.

"Alternatives to Animal Testing."PETA. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.

"Creating a Cruelty-Free World."Infographic: Ending Cosmetics Testing on Animals : Humane Society International. Web. 31 Jan. 2017.

"Cruelty Free International."Alternatives to animal testing | Cruelty Free International. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.

Curiel, Mireya. “Beauty Shouldn’t Cause Animals Pain.” The Oarsman. FLEX Wordpress Theme, 8 December 2016.

Engebretson, Monica. "Ending Cosmetic Testing On Animals Is Good Business." The Huffington Post., Web. 20 Jan. 2017.

Frommer, Fredrick"Federal Ban Sought For Animal Testing On Cosmetics." AP Top News Package (2014): Points of View Reference Center. Web. 27 Jan. 2017. 5eebce10d7b2%40sessionmgr102&hid=125&bdata=#AN=AP32fe010f1ae5479d987d70daebe06dfe&db=pwh

"Lush Cosmetics Celebrate the Cosmetics Directive and Prepare for their Next Animal Testing Fight." M2 Press wire, Mar 11 2013, ProQuest Newsstand,

"These Companies Test on Animals. Which Brands Made The List?"PETA. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.


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