WILDFLOWERS in Gwinear's Churchyards

Absolutely gorgeous are the snowdrops in Victorian Churchyard two.
The green Alexander leaves appear early in the year.They are found along the roadside outside the church.
Navelwort or Pennywort in the photo above is to be found on the boundary wall near the gate.
Black spleenwort
Cymbalaria muralis, or Ivy -leaved toadflax below, is not a native plant. It spreads around crevices in walls.
The leaves are beautiful.
Celandines look gorgeous on the grass when mingled with blue speedwells.
Wild violets abound in churchyards two and three. A burial mound in churchyard three is first covered with wild violets, then with Bird's- foot -trefoil. (nicknamed 'Granny's toenails.)
Alkanet is in flower from early Springtime. The roots are used to make a purple dye.
In the churchyard there is a large area of Ajuga or Bugle near the Ogee arched gate to the Old Vicarage. It comes into flower in May.
Germander Speedwell and buttercups.
Ox-eye daisies and foxgloves near John Harvey's tomb.
This was a surpise, one circle of crocus-like florets suddenly appearing at the end of June 2016 on a grave to the right of Gwinear church porch. Just one stem rising from the grass. There were no leaves in sight, but they may have been present among the wild daffodils which covered this grave in March.
It is too early for Autumn crocus to be flowering but fits the description given to such circles of florets which seem to be dancing amid the grass.
-'Naked ladies.'
May is the time to find Meadow Sweet in the Victorian churchyard behind the benches.
Red Campion and buttercups in the Victorian Churchyard, lovely for May weddings.
Potentilla aurea, or Cinquefoil.
The five petalled flower peeps out from among dense foliage.
Ox-eye daisies, Red campion and buttercups in early June in the Victorian Churchyard.
A Peacock Butterfly on a large Buddleia in August in Victorian yard two.
Hemp agrimony
Referred to as 'Raspberries and cream,' this plant flowers from late July in Cornwall. To be found in yard two.
Tansy in Victorian yard two in August.
LInaria purpuria, or Purple toadflax just appeared in a shady corner against a memorial near the East gate.
Enchanter's Nightshade is even outside the gate of yard two.
Navelwort or Pennywort gives colour all year round as it clings to the walls outside the Lych gate.
Celandines and speedwells cover the grass in Spring.
Violets abound. One burial mound in yard three is first covered in Violets, then it turns yellow with Bird''s foot trefoil , nicknamed Granny's toes!
Alkanet's vivid blue flowers bloom from March onwards.
Strong Spring growth in the Victorian Churchyard.
Red Campion adds to midsummer colour.
Meadow sweet in yard two near the benches.
Cinquefoil peeps out among dense foliage.
Ajuga covers the ground over alarge area near the Ogee arch which leads into the Old Vicarage.
'Naked ladies'
Ox-eye daisies near John Harvey's tomb.

Huge daisies in Victorian churchyard two.

Thistles in yard two.
Peacock butterfly on Buddleia in Victorian yard two.
HEMP AGRIMONY, described as 'raspberries and cream'.
In yard three, Scarlet Pimpernel, Common Purple Vetch and Mouse eared Hawkweed.
Elder in flower next to the Alders by the Lych gate.
Umbrella-like, or umbelliferous Yarrow
Achillea, or Yarrow, a white umbelliferous flower, has held on to the corner near the porch and battled with the lawn mower since it was listed in a survey of wildflowers in 1992.. In late July this year, 2016 in the photo below, there are three other wildflowers blooming, and in spring there are speedwells and primroses there.
Below on the left is Evening primrose, then Hart's tongue fern behind the shuttlecock-like Dryopteris filix mas fern.; vivid blue pollinator Viper's ' bugloss, and below, yellow Stonecrop flowers among the grit on John Harvey's tomb.
Tiny Dryopteris filix mas or male ferns

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