Dodge City By: Brooke & Jessica

For over 20 years after the Civil War, cowboys coaxed herds of cattle along trails from the Texas grasslands north to the rail-heads in Kansas.
Andy Adam's was a traveler who wanted to take part in a cattle drive. After three months of the cattle drive they arrived in Dodge City.
Dodge City is a town where a cowboy could take a bath, gamble, find a woman, eat some good food and let off some steam.
Reaching Dodge City rode up to the Wright house which was a general store, hotel and restaurant put together. Andy and the rest stayed there where they met Flood, the trial boss.


Created with images by josephleenovak - "Dodge City sign" • Larry1732 - "Cowboy" • Tony Austin - "Dodge City" • werner22brigitte - "old western town" • - "jc6318.JPG"

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