CyberSecurity By Georgina Gough-Willetts

This website will tell you a bit about Cyber Safety and a few terms which will help you understand the topic. Use the buttons to click on and to find out more.

An attempt to trick someone into giving information over the internet or by email that would allow someone else to take money from them , for example by taking money out of their bank account
Vishing is the act of using the telephone in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. The scammer usually pretends to be a legitimate business, and fools the victim into thinking he or she will profit.
DDoS is short for Distributed Denial of Service. DDoS is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems, which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
War, ddov attack
the fraudulent practice of directing Internet users to a bogus website that mimics the appearance of a legitimate one, in order to obtain personal information such as passwords, account numbers, etc.
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer when you visit some websites. A cookie is used to remember settings from your last visit to a website. For example Amazon use cookies to help identify you when you revisit the site.

1) All banks are bound by law that they cannot ask a costumer for their personal details. If you get a suspicious text, email or phone call from a 'bank', ignore it.

•Never click on links in emails of any sort which direct you to a bank etc. If you think the email is legitimate, go onto the real website and log on as an individual. If you are still unsure, call up your provider.

•Do not give out personal information over the phone or in an email unless completely sure. It is better to be safe than sorry.

•Keep your operating system, browser, anti-virus and other critical software up to date. Security updates and patches are available for free from major companies.


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