Conjunctions for your third graders

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As can be seen in the video, conjunctions help us to make longer, more interesting sentences! Often we use them for lists, clarification, or to give people options.

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"And" is usually used to list things and to give a sentence more detail. Instead of having to say, "I like ice cream. I like cake," you can make it much easier! Just say, "I like ice cream AND cake." So much simpler!

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"And" is often used in titles, such as the Disney Channel show, Phineas and Ferb.

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"But" is a good word to use when trying to explain something. For example you could say, "I want to go to the amusement park, BUT it's going to rain all day."

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Last, but not least, is "or." This conjunction helps to give options or possibilities. An example sentence would be, "We could go to IHOP, OR we could go to Denny's."

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An amazing app for checking your grammar is Page. You can use it well past college and take it into the workplace!

There are great games for learning conjunctions on the Turtle Diary website, a PowerPoint game from SlideShare, and of course, Kahoot is a wonderful game resource!

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