#GetInvolvedHero – “Hustle & Grind” by Toby4WARD

We’ve all heard catchy quotes like “Work Hard, Play Hard” or “Nothing worth having comes easy”. Before you snub these cliches, let’s take a moment and dig deeper.

We can all agree that hard work is applying a great deal of effort to accomplish something (at least, the dictionary agrees with me). Hard work translated to today speak is “Hustle & Grind”. Hustle & Grind are hot words amongst rising and successful internet celebs. Students also grind at studying, that’s how we slay our grades.

Nonso Onwuekwe, Vice-President of Operations at SARDC

One such slayer is Nonso Onwuekwe. He is a familiar presence on Red Deer College main campus. His achievements are a brilliant display of the results of hard work. Always busy yet productive, you could call him RDC’s Prince of “Hustle & Grind”. He is the VP of Operations at Student Association of Red Deer College (SARDC). He is also a great team member of the Kings Soccer team. Dear to his heart is Diversity. This led him to hosting RDC’s first Multicultural Gala under the African Caribbean Society (a student group he founded in the same year). It’s plain to see that Nonso is a bonafide slaying hustler.

Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia

On the global stage is the King of Hustle, Gary Vaynerchuk. He often says “Put in the work”. Gary is a successful entrepreneur who owns a multi-million dollar company. He is community-orientated, progress-embracing and a hardworking family man.

Your big step to becoming a #GetInvolvedHero is to grind and hustle at whatever you want to do. Next time, we will explore “Teamwork”.

Question for YOU!

How do you Hustle & Grind? – Reply to Facebook @Toby4WARD or email at toby4ward@gmail.com



For more #GetInvolvedHero, visit www.toby4ward.com/getinvolvedhero

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