I would've spent so much time photographing him in his element but he always just stood by my side. Best buddy in the world. Although, I think he's sleepy here. Lol

I'll miss the moments when he'd show me his love through his eyes.hewas especially affectionate if he felt extra protected by hanging someone lookout for dogs while he relax in the porch.

He loved to run and hump and climb since before he weighed 2lbs. He was like a King Kong. Later when I learned what a skilled hunter he was,I witnessed him climbing trees at night to catch birds.

He loved the outdoors more than anything, he loved nature (sometimes too much) He took in every sound, sight and smell.
He loved to feel the grass on his fur, but even more, he loved to close hers and breathe in the air and take in its scent.

And he loved to just kick back for an old fashioned dirt nap.

Unlike most cats, Pablo lived for the winter. He would run through and play as long as I'd be out there. Lol

This was his favorite outdoor haunt. As you can see, we woke the king up ! Lol

He loved the fall. There was always so much discovery under all those leaves....
...and some cushion , haha

The protector! The watcher. The king in his castle .

This is the equivalent of a drunk person with a lampshade in their head. There was catnip involved.

He's like Samson, the power comes from the fur!

Never a dull moment!

My ❤just skipped beat! Where do I begin.....

Lets paws

Loved adventures

Loved Fish....

Loved laughter

Loved his frogsfrogs

Loved himself! Hell, who wouldn't? Lol
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