Jrh Graphics & Manipulations

Urban Life: Manipulated
If you don't like what you see then you better start working on changing it!
Nothing is quite as it seems

What appears to the naked eye and what does not?

Is reality what you see? Or not see?

Do you see the world the same way as I do?

Where is the line between reality and manipulation?

Are you open to the possibility that the world may look different than you believe?

Urban Life: Manipulated is based on the juxtaposition of what is and what could be. An exploration of how a cityscape can be altered by color, small adjustments and manipulations.

How with just a few alterations reality is enhanced and the world is never going to look quite the same.

A successful manipulation is one that makes the viewer feel something.

Love, wonder, introspection, disgust or even hatred are all signs of an impactful manipulation.

Created By
Jonathan Howard

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