JunJun Montelibano Pieces of his art

" In order to be free....................you need to be completely disordered."

Listening to nature

"Auditory images are your dreams in stereo."

The Education of Philips

"The power of making love creates music to your ears and opens a path to your black and white."

The candy store

" Each and everyone of us has a child trapped within, and the only way out......is to reach from the outside-in."


"Faith is the only ladder you hold to climb up, Pride is the time when you reach the top...and hanging on to faith."

A view with a Kill

"Philippine Politics is the showbusiness of feasting pests."


"Life is like a game of chance, it doesn't matter if you win or loose....it is how you play the game that makes it interesting and meaningful."

Obedience in a cage

" Goodwill sometimes has its own leaks."

"Closing my eyes makes me dive into an ocean of moving images that i cannot handle.....it is so beautiful."


"Mind games is one way to pick up glory and annoyance."

The proposal

"Sincerity begins with an end."

Pabayle Papel

"You cannot compete with nature, you have to be one with it."

A collectors dream

"Travelling and Wandering is heartwarming brain teaser."

Drummer boy

"The silence of the forest or the calmness of the sea, triggers a horror inside of me." - junjun montelibano

Created By
Junjun Montelibano

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