The Significance Project Aaron Sorenson

Happiness is creation.

Happiness is building something from nothing, with hard work, determination, care, and creativity, and presenting it to the rest of the world.

Happiness is finding out that someone else gains happiness from your creation.

Happiness is family.

Knowing that someone loves you, what you do, who you are, and where you’re going – no matter what – is true happiness. Happiness is giving someone else the opportunity to live and love.

Happiness is living without and living within

“Unless change can be made, there will continue to be a mismatch between our lived experience and our desired experience, between the meaninglessness of everyday life and the innate drive to find meaning, to self-actualize, to be all that we can be” – Neel Burton

Only through suffering can we truly find what makes us happy. Losing something or someone accentuates the realization of how important that thing was or what that person meant to us, and creates the goal of getting it back again, holding on to memories of what once was, and anticipation of what’s to come.

Happiness is learning to live.

“The way your heart sounds makes all the difference, it’s what decides if you’ll endure the pain that we all feel. The way your heart beats makes all the difference in learning to live. Spread before you is your soul, so forever hold the dreams with your heart. Through natures inflexible grace, you’re learning to live.”

The true success in life is learning to live happily. Family, community, purpose, meaning. Making mistakes, learning from them, and moving on.

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