Nat Turner He freed a lot of slaves!

Nat turner was a hero to a lot of slaves!!!

Nat turner saved dozens of slaves

They are planing to save more slaves.

Only blacks were slaves because Martin Luther king Jr. wasn't there yet.

The 100$ reward for finding Nat Turner.

Soon, he hid by himself but a random hunter found Nat Turner!

The hunter and Nat Turner

Soon he was back to a slave but many was suprised what he did!

Bisson, Terry, and John Davenport. Nat Turner: Slave Revolt Leader. New York: Chelsea House, 2005. Print.


Created with images by Ron Cogswell - "'Nat Turner, Striking for Freedom' -- Exhibit at the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) The National Mall Washington (DC) October 2016"

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