About A&M

TexasA&M is a four year school and it is located at College Station, Texas and it is home to the 12th man and Texas A&M has been around since April 17, 1871. Texas A&M is also a division 1 school which is the highest division you can get.

Texas A&M sports

Texas A&M has about 15 sports available from football to men's swimming and diving to women's basketball. Texas A&M also has a marching band to cheer on all of the football team. Texas A&M is a division 1 school which means that all of the sports are division 1 sports.

Student life

At Texas A&M most students either live at A&M or they will live at apartments neat the school and most of the students say that the dorms at Texas A&M are hotel like and they are pretty big.

Texas A&M Stats

The percentage of students that are accepted is 71% the annual cost for instate is 10,176 and out of state is 28,768 the percentage of students that receive financial aid is 78% the average SAT score is 1080-1310 and the number of undergrade students is 42,129 the percentage of men is 51% and women is 49% . The percentage of various races is African American 3%, Asian 5%, Hispanic 21%, international 2%, multiracial 3%, white 66%

Created By
James Hayes

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