Author Showcase By: Chloe Pearce


I write a lot in my free time and it gives me something to do. I enjoy it and it is something I am good at. I write mostly short stories and a few poems here and there.

What I am most proud of

A piece of work I am most proud of is my poem Aquainted With Goodbye.

Why I'm proud

I am proud of this poem because I wrote it because in the past I have had a bunch of friends move away and effervescent goodbye was harder than the last. It was easy because I could relate to it. I write what I felt. I like how I added dialogue and I made it flow.

Most difficult

The most difficult thing I had to write as the play because I could visually see it and I had to write all of the stage directions, expressions, etc. I normally don't write plays and it was just difficult. I overcame it by making my play as dumb, silly and short as possible.

Myself as a writer

I would describe myself as a passionate writer. I have learned how writing has impacted the world. People love reading, but someone has to write, right? I have learned there are so many styles of writing. Some easy, others extremely hard. I learned that writing takes a lot of work. I am glad I took this class because it helped me grow as a writer. It opened a ton of opportunities to change how I wrote and hopefully make it better and easier.

Created By
Chloe Pearce


Created with images by brokentrinkets - "Closed red curtain at the Coolidge Corner Theatre - portrait"

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