
  • Polyester Fiber - The purpose of this material was to be placed in the top loft of our house. If your house is in a cold climate, keeping it warm in winter is expensive. The Department of Energy predicts that prices for natural gas and heating oil will rise again this winter compared with last. However though if you have a finished attic/loft with insulation (which in our case is the polyester acts as the insulator) not only will it keep you warmer because the cold air cannot get into your home. But it will also cost you less money because then you don't have to pay as much for heating.
  • Bubble Wrap - The purpose of this material was to place near the top section where the walls meet the roof. And we did this because it seals of the Polyester so no Thermal Energy can escape. Also as well we had added Bubble Wrap to the walls and this was to block off any thermal energy leaving or coming into the home through little cracks in the home.
  • Fabric - The purpose of putting the fabric on the outside is to prevent thermal energy coming into your home and also leaving your home. Because if you just only had ply wood (card stock paper) then the thermal energy could easily pass right through. However though once you have the insulation in then the thermal energy cannot pass through. Which then means your house will be able to retain thermal energy much better.

Real World Insulators

  • Fiber Glass - Fiberglass insulation can reduce energy use in homes and lower utility bills. It is also mainly found in air ducts, pipes, roofs, walls and floors. R-values for fiberglass insulation range from R-11 to R-38.
  • Cellulose - Cellulose is an organic, loose-fill material that is made from recycled paper. This type of insulation is usually treated with chemicals to ensure better resistance against moisture and pests. It's R-value can range from R-3 - R-55 depending on the depth.
  • Mineral wool - Mineral wool comes in loose fill that can either be blown into the desired area or poured out of bags. Mineral wool insulation can withstand much higher temperatures than other forms of insulation. It's R-value can range from R-3 - R-50 depending on the depth.


  • Total Surface Area - 100 meters² = 328.084 feet²
  • Area of the Base - 24 meters² = 78.7402 feet²

Flooring Costs

  • Carpet - $337.00
  • Hardwood - $1,392.00
  • The carpet would be the better choice. This is because it is way cheaper than the hardwood would be.

Siding Costs

  • Paint - $137.94
  • Vinyl - $3,805
  • The paint would be a much better choice. Because due to the costs to paint the outside of the house it would be cheaper than putting vinyl siding on.

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