

Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com

作者 Mac Slavo

By Tyler Durden

Mon, 03/09/2020 – 13:15

翻譯:in a Hurry




抖音是什麼樣的公司?參議院Josh Hawley說,國外的公司,尤其主營業務在中國的公司,抖音是其中很典型的一個,正在我們的國家開展業務,他們正在收集難以計數的使用者資料,他們不通知使用者他們到底收集了哪些資料。事實上,這些資料是被北京偷偷拿走的。任何人以為,一個中國公司,即使他們有美國的分部,可以直視政府並對他們說不,這是一個根本性錯誤。中共的法律從根本上來說,在強迫中國公司,也經常強迫在中國運作的美國公司,提供政府想要的任何資訊。抖音是中共大資料監控系統中的一環,,是中共的間諜程式,被中共指使,中共讓它向左轉,它不敢向右轉。為了回應美國對其竊取資料的指控,TikTok將在美國開設“透明中心”來消除外界對它的恐懼,但這只是掩人耳目的一個把戲而已。




More Coronavirus Censorship: Social Media Companies Partner With WHO To Censor Info


Social media companies have made the decision to partner with “health authorities” (government officials like those who work for the CDC) to combat “misinformation” about the coronavirus. We all know what this means. Under the mainstream media‘s seemingly innocent words lies a rash of new censorship coming down the pipes.


Only the official narrative from those in the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will soon be allowed on social media. Last week, the social media app TikTok, popular with youths and young adults, announced it would be partnering with the WHO in an effort to spread veritable information on the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, in addition to best public health practices.


“COVID-19 outbreak has seen a massive ‘infodemic’ – an over-abundance of information – some accurate and some not – that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it,” the WHO told ABC News.

世衛組織這樣告訴ABC新聞:“ COVID-19 爆發以來我們看到了大規模的”資訊大爆發“- 一種資訊過剩- 有的資訊是準確的而有的是錯誤的 – 這使得人們在需要時難以找到可信賴的資訊來源和可靠的行動指南。”

“Therefore, WHO is working with various social media platforms, including TikTok, to help us reach the right audience (the right community, the right age group, etc.), as well as to detect the spread of misinformation on the new coronavirus. We understand that different platforms might have their specific audience, hence important to make trustworthy information available where people are looking for it.”

“因此,世界衛生組織正在與包括抖音(TikTok)在內的各種社交媒體合作來幫助我們接觸到我們想要觸及的聽眾 (我們想要觸及的社區和年齡組等等)。同時檢測有關新型冠狀病毒的虛假資訊的傳播。我們知道不同的社交媒體有各自特定的受眾人群。因此在人們尋找資訊的平臺上提供可信賴的資訊非常重要。

So in other words, WHO is asking TikTok to make sure their narrative infects the minds of the young adult and youth audience they are said to attract. Only the information from the WHO will be deemed relevant to this outbreak. The censorship surrounding this virus is ongoing, but it‘s becoming obvious authorities are continuing to have problems completing the totalitarian squashing free speech.

換句話說, 世界衛生組織(WHO)在讓抖音(TikTok)來確保他們的官宣能影響那些抖音所吸引的青少年和年輕人的思想。只有來自世界衛生組織(WHO)的資訊才是疫情的相關資訊。有關病毒的言論審查還在繼續中,但越來越明顯的是當局繼續在極權式的壓迫言論自由方面遇到阻力。

The Chinese have taken to using force to prevent information from getting out. Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are supporting the “authority” on health to and ramming the official narrative down people‘s throats.

中共已經動用了武力來阻止資訊的流出。臉書(Facebook)和馬克·紮克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)支援健康事務上的“權威”,繼續向大眾灌輸官方發言。

“We‘re focused on making sure everyone can access credible and accurate information,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement this week.

臉書(Facebook)的執行長官馬克·紮克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在本周的一份聲明中表示:“我們致力於確保每個人都可以訪問到可信且準確的資訊。”

“If you search for coronavirus on Facebook, you‘ll see a pop-up that directs you to the World Health Organization or your local health authority for the latest information.”

“如果您在臉書(Facebook)上搜索有關冠狀病毒的資訊, 您將會看到一個快顯視窗將您引導至世界衛生組織或您當地的衛生部門以便獲取最新資訊。”

We all know this is elitist speak for “you‘ll read and hear what we want you to read and hear.”


編輯 【喜馬拉雅戰鷹團】