Aliens The creature that i chose is call alien or alien grAys


This creature is about 1 feet and 50cm tall. They are all Grey they have 6 long fingers about 25 centemeters each. They have a big head and big eyes that stairs into your soul. They also have small feets.


They started talking about beigns in other planets and in ufological,paranormal and new age communities and who are named for

their unique skin color and air crafts

Good or bad

Aliens are more knowed for having a dark side because they abducte you and they open you and you know I dont need to get in the details and they never come back with your body.


Them they dont know about grey aliens. Them they know about marsians little green creatures who looks real friendy. Marsians for kids are like their Angels and personally I like more the way kids think they are.


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