The French Revolution By lexi shinn nathalia castRe and iVanna Castillo


Welcome to our page. We are excited to bring you back to one of the most important times in history - Yes! You guessed it, the French Revolution. Join us on out trip ways way back where you will meet extraordinary historical figures and relive impressing moments. Here is a list of exciting times that you will get to know:

Cause of the French Revolution

The causes were the nation's debt, the refusal of the nobility and the clergy to pay taxes, egalitarian philosophies, and high food costs. These factors destabilized society and increased the political influence of the commoners. KEY PEOPLE: Louis XVI, Marquis De Lafayette, Lazare Carnot, Charles De Calonne, Napolean Bonaparte, and Jacques-Pierre.

Meeting of the Estates General

The meeting of the Estates General started on May 5th in 1789 and was opened by the king. The meaning of the meeting of the Estates General was for the poor people to be heard by the king. The poor people were able to tell the king things that were wrong. They made the Meeting of the Estates General to make changes and get victory. On the first meeting of the Estates they announced the principles of the meeting. On the third meeting of the Estates the king was making decisions of the National Assembly. The Last meeting of the Estate they were scared and they lost and they had to cancel the meeting. It was a very important decision because and if they changed it, it will have to stay in the system forever.

Creation of the National Assembly

The National Assembly was in July 9th of 1789. The ones of the idea to move to the Tennis Court Oath was of Robespierre, Mirabeau, and Sieyes. They started to meet in the Tennis Court Oath in June 20th of 1789. During those days they decided to write a letter to France Constitution. When they were writing the letter the Second stage of the revolution was happening. The King opposed and had no choice but to authorizes the assembly and which now is called The National Assembly.

Creation of Legislative Assembly

With the new constitution forming a constitutional monarchy, the King was shortened of his powers and a Legislative Assembly was created. This new group was allowed to propose laws and approve or support wars. Later, because of the problems being suffered, the Legislative Assembly split into three groups. The three groups were the Radicals, Moderates and Conservatives. They divided by way that they wanted the government changed or not changed. Radicals being those that wanted the most change.

Creation of National Convention

The Legislative Assembly set aside the Constitution of 1791. With this, there was a need for a for. New legislative body, thus the forming of the National Convention in 1792. Quickly, this abolished the monarchy and declared France as a republic. Adult males were given the right to vote and hold office, while women did not.

Committee of Public Safety

The first ruler of the Commitee of Public Safety was Robespierre, who ruled unjustly and in a very dictator-like fashion. His reign was known as the ‘ Reign of Terror’. The leadership grew enemies and then later received death sentences.

Trial and Execution of Louis XVI

Led by radical Jacobins the National Convention took away his role as king so now he stood as a common citizen/prisoner. Louis was tried for treason and found guilty. The vote was close but he was still sentenced to death on January 21, 1793. He was beheaded by the guillotine reportedly with dignity.


Jacobins refer to the members of the radical political organization, the Jacobin Club. Jean-Paul Marat was one of the prominent figures leading this club. He edited the L’Ami du Peuple, meaning Friend of the People, which was a newspaper during the Revolution. Here he wrote that people who continued to support the king shall be put to death. Another important person within this club was Georges Danton who was a lawyer. He made it his responsibility to protect Paris’ poor.

Reign of Terror

The Reign of terror refers to when Maximilien Robespierre gained power. He was a Jacobin leader who set out to build a “republic of virtue” by wiping out every trace of France’s past. He changed the calendar into 12 months consisting of 30 days which had no Sundays. Radicals considered Sunday's old-fashioned and dangerous, they also closed app churched in Paris. Other cities all around France soon followed. July of 1793 Robespierre became the leader of the Committee of Public Safety and governed France as a dictator.


The French Revolution was a revolution in France from 1789 to 1799. It started because of nation's debt, the refusal of the nobility and the clergy to pay taxes, egalitarian philosophies, and high food costs. It led to the end of the monarchy, and to many wars. The Legislative Assembly was made and split into three groups. The three groups were the Radicals, Moderates and Conservatives. King Louis XVI was executed in 1793. The revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte took power in November 1799. In 1804, he became Emperor.

We hope that you enjoyed this quick trip through remarkable history! See you some other time- in history!

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