A Long Way Gone Chapters 20-21 PreSentation

It was memorable because it was crazy sienghow the kids form all around the world reacted to the city. Like Ishmael thought Freetown was huge but then he got to see the Empire State Building and World Trade Center, etc. It was also crazy how they acted so odd on the subway because it was so different from where the other kids were from.

It was really touching because he is so young. And he didn't necessarily have to kill anyone but he felt like he had to because he had to be there for his family and stand up for them when they couldn't stand up for themselves.

Ishmael would definitely include something about the food,and the tall buildings, and the transportation and probably the people. The conference is going good, you can tell how Ishmael enjoys hearing about others life's and maybe even things that are more difficult then his own life. His experiences are good, I just think it's a lot to adjust to going from a third world country to an amazingly developed country like the United States.


Created with images by m01229 - "Times Square" • Unsplash - "times square new york broadway" • FrankWinkler - "new york skyline manhattan"

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