25 Plant indications bY: Lauren CAll

Today, the meanings of Peruvian lilies are friendship and devotion.
Legend has it that concealing a snapdragon makes a person appear fascinating.
It has spreading leaves that turn upward toward evening. The plant is sometimes known as rabbits’ tracks.
The leaves of this species contain primulin… the substance which causes the serious and painful ‘primrose itch’ so be careful to limit contact with skin.
A strawberry flower averages five to seven petals, while a typical strawberry has 150 to 200 seeds on its surface.
Growing about 3 to 6 inches by 12 to 18 inches or longer, the Fittonia nerve plant tolerates bright light to shade conditions but will truly flourish with bright, indirect light.
In nature the Norfolk Island pine can grow to a height of 60 metres (200 feet), with a trunk sometimes reaching 3 metres (10 feet) in diameter
Black mustard, provides the seeds collected for the ground product, the country name being warlock. The plant was formerly used to thaw the affections of a woman not clear on her love.
blue mustard tend to grow in poor soils.
Scotch broom grows on dry, sandy soil, exposed to direct sunlight, in areas with cool, temperate climate. It can be found in grasslands, woodlands and areas near the water. Scotch broom is classified as noxious weed in USA, Australia, New Zealand and India.
Broadleaf plantain grows in the fields, grasslands, near the roads and footpaths. It prefers disturbed habitats with poor, compacted soil. People also use broadleaf plantain mostly in medical purposes.
People cultivate Silver lupine in ornamental purposes and a source of food.
Canada thistle produces an abundance of bristly-plumed seeds which are easily dispersed by the wind. Most of the seeds germinate within a year, but some may remain viable in the soil for up to twenty years or more
Under each flowerhead are 13 black-tipped bracts. 20 to 60 flowerheads occur into dense, flat-topped clusters at the ends of the branches. Tansy ragwort flowers July through September.
the Teasel plant escaped cultivation and is often found growing in prairies, meadows and savannas, as well as in disturbed areas along creeks, railroads and roadsides across the United States.
True to its common name, water hemlock occurs primarily on wet soils associated with ditches, stream banks, pond margins, and marshes. Water birds often eat the corky, rounded fruits of water hemlock without ill effect, though anecdotal reports suggest that humans who eat these same birds during migration can be sickened second-hand.
Large crabgrass, a summer annual, is a member of the grass family. It is one of the most troublesome weeds in lawns. Crabgrass reproduces by seeds. It has a prolific tillering or branching habit. A single plant is capable of producing 150 to 700 tillers and 150,000 seeds. Crabgrass plants are very adaptive to mowing height. Plants can produce seeds at mowing heights as low as 1/2-inch. Crabgrass germination is related to soil temperature.
The Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle flowers were often grown in gardens and around the doors of homes to ward off witches and evil spirits.
P.S. Those are the just leaves to the tree and the whole tree. The species name Norway Maple means resembling a plane tree (Platanus spp), from Platanus, the classical name for plane tree and oides, meaning resembling.
P.S. this is not a plan but a tree. This picture represents what the branches and flowers look like on the tree. The Crabapple trees enhance the aesthetics of lawns with their attractive foliage and fragrant blossoms. Depending on their variety, the small- to medium-sized trees also can be a source of edible fruit.
The Shasta Daisy is often resistant to pesticides and insects. Because of that, wild daisies occasionally act like weed that cannot be eradicated easily.
The Flowering Dogwood is the state tree of Virginia and state flower of North Carolina.
The Kentucky Bluegrass is a highly stylized genre of American popular country music, ostensibly created in the late 1930s and early 1940s by the mandolinist Bill Monroe (1911–1996). Indeed, Monroe is the widely accepted Father of Bluegrass.
Colorado blue spruce, or blue spruce, is an attractive tree often used for Christmas trees.
People cultivate peony in medical and ornamental purposes. Thanks to its large, beautifully colored flowers, peony is also frequently used for the preparation of various floral arrangements.


Created with images by photofarmer - "Plugs ready for transplant" • BioDivLibrary - "n147_w1150" • Fæ - "A tall Norfolk Island Pine tree (Araucaria exclesa) in a park, ca.1920 (CHS-2386)"

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