History ch8 Lesson 4

James Montgomery Flagg's depiction of Uncle Sam for the U.S. Army is the most famous American wartime poster.

The committee headed by George Creel worked to promote freedom.

The Food Administration urged people to observe "Wheatless Monday's," and "Meatless Tuesday's," and to plant "victory gardens."

Americans consumed less and produced more when the Food Administration encouraged voluntary rationing.

With millions of men serving in the military, women were needed to take their places in the labor force.

The government sold war bonds to help pay for the cost of the war.

The government also raised tales to help pay for the war.

The is cartoon shows the Sedition Act threatening "Honest Opinion," "Free Speech," and "Free Press."

The Sabotage Act passed in 1918 penalized anyone who damaged or destroyed war supplies.

Women wrap missiles in their New Yourk factory.

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