Florida By Yazen mousa

In Florida you can go swim in their beaches like in photo below. Going to the beach very fun and more activity to do.

He his one of the beaches in Florida

You can see the the animals like butterfly or other animals.

another animal you can see is blue bird or other king birds

If you go to Florida you can go very fun water slides. Also you can ask anyone that went there have very go time.
You can go to great restaurant
Here is one of the bedrooms you can sleep.
If you see animals in the sea? You can if you go to see killer whales or small or big fish.


Created with images by Stig Nygaard - "Florida Keys" • Olin Gilbert - "Northwest Florida" • bob in swamp - "Florida Viceroy" • bob in swamp - "Florida Scrub Jay" • spakattacks - "Slides" • Phillip Pessar - "Five Guys Burgers And Fries Miami" • Adele 2010 - "Hotel room and lviing area again" • larsen9236 - "sailboat boat sail"

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