French & Haitain Revolution Sandrine, annagrace, demareus, madison

French Revolution


Economic problems:The French were lacking the financing for their government because they were taking in less than they were giving out. They had a low supply of finance due to their help in the American revolution and with back to back wars with Great Britain and other countries.

Ineffifective leadership:King Louis XIV could not raise enough to support the government so he called for a meeting of the Estates general where the generals of each estate voted in which who had to pay the taxes to support France. The first and second estate made up less the 5% of the French population while the third made up the rest. King Louis had it set up where the whole estates vote was one which was unfair because of course the wealthy would vote against the less fortunate. This meeting led up to the 3rd estate having to pay all the taxes, this estate was made up of the common people like the peasants and middle classes. While there was no burden on the 1st and 2nd estates which were more wealthier and that is where King Louis XIV was in fault.

Angry citizens: After the third estate of France was fed up with the heavy taxes, they went to a tennis court and wrote up a new constitution and this act was called The Tennis Court Oath. The third estate also made many riots such as burning down the nobles manners and tearing the Bastille prison down in anger. After putting King Louis life on the line he finally accepted the new constitution.

Were symptoms that occurred truly issues that needed to be addressed?Yes because the unfairness in taxing the less wealthy while the wealthier got even more wealthy. If this problem would not have been addressed the third estate would have eventually hit rock bottom and the French economy would crash.

Haitian revolution

Economic problems: Haiti did not really have any economic issues except the dependency on slavery for crops

Ineffective leadership: leaders did not allow the slaves any freedom

Angry citizens:The slaves revolted, due to lack of freedom, and killed their masters and burning their houses down. Toussaint L'Ouverture led a rebellion and ended slavery in Haiti.

Were symptoms that occurred truly issues that needed to be addressed?The symptoms were huge issues because slavery is complete abuse to the inalienable human rights.

French revolution


-Anger of citizens increases: The Monarchy used vasts amounts of money and forces the poor people to pay the taxes.Poor crops, droughts and rising bread prices, forced French Monarchs to use more moneyThe people began refusing to pay taxes by rioting, looting and striking against the tax collectors

Event where citizens reach breaking point and rise up:The Reign of Terror was when the French lower classes attacked the Palace of Versailles. Lead by Maximilien Robespierre, the poor of France successfully stormed the palace and captured many of the nobility staying there, including King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, both of whom were later executed along with many other nobles following the Reign of Terror.

Government collapse: Maximilien Robespierre took over the French government after the successful overthrow of the French nobility. During his reign he was elected the president of the Jacobin government and also participated in the writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. After being corrupted by the power given to him, the French began to question Robespierre’s motives and soon Robespierre and his followers were arrested for treason against France.

After Maximilien Robespierre was overthrown, France was leaderless for a short period. However during this period France was being attacked by surrounding countries. During these wars a man named Napoleon Bonaparte, rose from a simple soldier to the ruler of France. During his short reign Napoleon centralized the French government by establishing a three-member Consulate, with he, himself as the First Consul giving him the most political power. Napoleon also brought peace back to France by equally distributing the taxes throughout the social castes, and he also made all citizens equal. He built new public school systems and lead archaeological expeditions. Napoleon also successfully conquered most of Europe during his reign.

Haitian revolution

-a) Slavery And unfair castes

b) The Haitian Revolution was simply a slave rebellion lead by Toussaint L'Ouverture and some escaped and freed slaves, Haiti successfully abolished slavery and freed themselves from the control of France.

c) After the rebellion Toussaint L'Ouverture,

French Revolution


A)The people begin to look for stabilty:After Robespierre was killed in July of 1794, the National Convention approved a new constitution that created France’s first “two-branch” legislature, and executive power would now lie in the hands of a five-member Directory appointed by parliament.

B)The Radical ideas go away:The Directory abolished the excessive use of the guillotine

C)strong leader is chosen:The “two-branch” legislature would last for four years until Napoleon Bonaparte held a coup d’état, abolishing the directory, and made himself “first consul.”

Haitian Revolution

A)The people begin to look for stabilty:Threatened on all sides, French colonists realize that they need the slaves’ support to keep control of Saint-Domingue. Civil commissioners issue a proclamation guaranteeing freedom and the full rights of French citizenship to all slaves who join them to defend France from foreign and domestic enemies.

B) The Radical ideas go away:France officially abolishes slavery in France and all of its colonial possessions.

C)A Strong leader chosen:French commissioners proclaim Toussaint L’Ouverture governor of the colony, recognizing that he has consolidated the support of blacks on the island. In October, he becomes commander-in chief of the army.

French revolution


A)The new form of government doesn't hold up because they are too moderate: The King was forced to accept a new government with a National Assembly in charge, and July 14, 1789, became French Independence Day, or Bastille Day. The most permanent changes were made early in the Revolution- the abolition of feudalism and the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, a statement declaring basic human rights. One major problem for the new government was its creation of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which abolished special privileges of the Catholic Church in France and put it under state control.

B) The government collapses: France had protection of property and reformation of taxation made during the French Revolution, it would help France’s economic recovery. The outcome increased freedom. The legal establishments of estates was no longer a thing. France in the nineteenth century changed between being constitutional monarchy, a republic, and an empire, and back to being a republic.

C) Radicals perpetuate violence :With the king having to accept the new government this caused many problems with the people such as burning down houses, and peasants rose up against nobles. The government feared this urban population could easily turn to violence. Another factor of this violence was the guards located in Paris were involved with the common people, which encouraged riots and violent behavior. During the taking of the Bastille some were killed, more brutal beheadings and the head of the commander of the garrison was placed on a pike and displayed with pride.

D)Radicals eliminate any opposition: Napoleon beat the Russia, Prussia, and Austria armies. His armies had northern Italy, making a kingdom out of several Italian states. Napoleon’s conquest helped bring an end to the Holy Roman Empire and united several German states into a Confederation of the Rhine.

Haitian revolution

A)The new form of government doesn't hold up because they are too moderate: In 1801, after taking the control of what is now ,the independent country of Haiti, L’Ouverture made a constitution that granted equality and citizenship to all residents. He also made himself governor for life, and established complete independence of Haiti fromFrance. This made Haiti the first country in Latin America to win its independence and the first post-colonial.

B) The government collapses: In Haiti the restraints were more harsh because the rebellion was led by slaves who had no rights at all. A while after its revolution, poverty became wide spread. Slavery was abolished and the rights of citizens were bigger. While class differences did not go away, legal discrimination stopped before its independence by the Constitution of 1801.

C) Radicals perpetuate violence : Escaped slaves, maroons, revolted against their white masters, killing them and burning down their houses. This caused former slave Toussaint L’Ouverture, to join revolts in 1791 and then lead a rebellion against slavery

Created By
Sandrine Uwera


Created with images by Sean MacEntee - "Beach" • jackmac34 - "flag french flag france" • Beverly & Pack - "Haitian Flag, the National Flag of Haiti" • hermaion - "flag french flag national" • jackmac34 - "haiti man graphics" • 8300 - "pont du gard france bridge" • Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) - "FMSC Distribution Partner - ReachHaiti" • A Guy Taking Pictures - "Stormy Sky Above Mont Saint-Michel" • haitianbusinesses - "haiti caribbean beach"

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