School Traditions Miami Union aCaDemy

Junior/Senior Banquet

Every year the junior class sponsor the banquet at the school year. Students comes dress in their fancy/formal attire with their dates to have a great time. They get pick up from the school in a limo to their mystery theme place. Junior are respondible for fundraiser for the event throughtout year. After, they create a reveal to introduce the theme to the senior class. Overall, everyone has a great time!

Choir Trip

Oakwood University

Every year students performs at Oakwood Univeristy. MUA and many students comes together and make a joint choir to sing on Saturday morning.

Altanta Tour

MUA choir students had the prvilege to before at Ebenezer Church, church of Martin Luther King Jr, this year. This was one a lifetime opportunity and they performed wonderfully.

School Rally

MUA band and choir students each year, traveled to Tampa to peform for the Southeastern Conference. Many school that was part of the SEC came to perform and support. It is a incredible experience that we have the privilege to participate each year. This years as a reward, band and choir students, went to Universal Studios in Orlando.

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