Naples By: Brett and Carson

This city is located in located on the southern boot part of Italy, the provence of Naples is the most densely populated in Italy. This city has 21 diffrent zones and each has a diffrent style and appeal

Naples was the last great city to join the kingdom of Italy. Famous quote on the city- "See Naples and die." Meaning this a beautiful city and seeing here means see it all

This is mt. Vesuvius. This volcano is located in the Gulf of Naples.

Naples is home to Pompeii and Herculaneum. These two cities were destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius.

The first pizzeria was opened in 1830 in Naples, Italy

Naples Cathedral

Founded in the 4th century on the site of a Greek temple dedicated to Apollo. Built in the French gothic style. Has been been renovated several times since it was built.

Catacombs of Saint Gaudioso

Underground Paleo Christian burial sites. Located in the northern area of the city of Naples.

Museo di Capodimonte

This museum is the largest art gallery and riches in all of Italy. This museum has 3 floors and 160 rooms full of art pieces.


Created with images by 1Aalbigabri - "naples sea vesuvius" • pandemia - "Pizza dalla Gallina bianca" • Ai@ce - "20081025_Palermo"

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