Frida Kahlo By: Drew Wolf

Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyocan, Mexico. She was a Mexican painter who was noted for her brilliantly colored self-portraits that were painted in a primitivistic style. Kahlo was often identified as a Surrealist and was not a political leader. She married a muralist named Diego Rivera. In 1925, Frida Kahlo was involved in a bus accident. She was injured so seriously that she had 35 medical operations. During her slow recovery, she was able to teach herself how to paint. Kahlo showed her early efforts to Rivera, and he encouraged her to continue painting. After Kahlo and Rivera's marriage, Kahlo traveled with Rivera and received commissions for murals in several cities. Her biggest accomplishment was in 1938, when she meet Andre Breton, a leading Surrealist, who championed her work; both Breton and Marcel Duchamp were influential in arranging some of the exhibits of her work in the United States and Europe. In 1943, Frida Kahlo was appointed a professor of painting at La Esmeralda, the Education Ministry's School of Fine Arts. Kahlo died on July 13, 1954. Her house in Coyocan, Mexico is now the Frida Kahlo museum.

A map of where Frida Kahlo was born

Frida Kahlo is connected to the 8 Themes in World History. She is connected to the theme Cultural Interaction because of her artwork. Kahlo is a Mexican painter known for her self-portraits. She is also connected to the theme Economics because of money. She made a lot of money by having a lot of people buy her artwork.

Frida Kahlo with Monkeys

"I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best."

Frida Kahlo with Parrots

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