Joshua 1:Nine Ministries With Strength and Courage

Welcome to the first newsletter for Joshua 1:Nine Ministries. You are on this list because at some point you expressed interest in being informed regarding our activities and ways you can get involved and help. We hope this newsletter will be informative and helpful. If not, feel free to unsubscribe but we hope you feel led to follow along on the journey and partner with us in the future.

We have narrowed down the community where we hope to serve to a few communities within less than a thirty minute drive from Central Barahona. One of those communities is called Fondo Negro. We have created relationships with the coaches there and are beginning to spread our love to the boys on the team as well as their families and some of the girls in the community. It's a real joy to build those relationships and it is a really special group of people God has led us to. We do not yet know the future there but feel it may be the community God has in store for the beginning of our program. The team has over 50 kids and 5 coaches with strong support from the community and a lovely community field where the kids play when it is available to them.

In January, we were donated about 40 baseball hats from New Era and one of our co-founders Kristin was able to take them to the boys on the team in Fondo Negro. It was bedlam when the bag was opened and the hats were reveled. To think this is just the beginning for these boys and they do not realize what Joshua 1:Nine is being called to do for them is exciting.

This is just a small sample of the boys in Fondo Negro proudly displaying their new hats.

We are currently looking for partners to help pay program costs. Can you commit to a $20 a month partnership level with us? Partnership will come with team updates and more as aspects of the program evolve. Are you interested in being a relationship builder? A culture changer? Join now and be part of the movement.

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