Gods Not Dead movie vs. book

In this book the main character goes into detail of how he can prove that God is real that God is alive.
He proves science wrong,big belies that the universe could make itself out of nothing, but he proves that wrong he proves there has to be a creator that is what he does in the book.
bit in this book there is no actual interaction with other people and for me it made this book boring it made the book very slow paste and just kind of sluggish
the movie on the other hand is amazing on this epic journey he goes through his freshman year in collage and he proves that god is real.
his science teacher is a atheist and he denies any existence of God but this Yong man tries to make a difference in this mans world.
i recommend the movie it is so much more intresting and fast paste it really draws you in from the begining and the book does not quite do that
Gods Not Dead. harold cronk.shane harpor.pure flix.2014.film


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