Cheryl Diaz-Meyer Bridgette Bichell-Matthews

Background Information

  • Cheryl Diaz Meyer was born in the Philipines in 1968, but immigrated to Minnesota with her family in 1981.
  • Meyer attended the university of Minnesota in Duluth, Minnesota.In 1990 she graduated cumlaute with a Bachelor of Arts in German.
  • After graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1990 she went on to attend Western Kentucky University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Photojournalism in 1994
  • Diaz Meyer is able to speak 5 languages. ( German, French, Spanish, Tagalog and Bikol which are Phillipino Languages)

The Start of it All

Diaz Meyer worked at the Washington Post as a photography intern along with many other places before she was hired by the Star Tribune in Minnespolis. Diaz Meyer worked as an embedded journalist attached fcxto the Second Tank Battalion of the First Marine Division.

Where She Went

Cheryl Diaz Meyer traveled to Baghdad many times after the fall of Baghdad. After the events of 911 Cheryl traveled to Afghanistan along with traveling to the Philippines Indonesia, and Guatemala.

What did she capture?

Diaz Meyer traveled to Baghdad many times after the fall of Baghdad to cover the violence and the aftermath of what the violence had caused. She also covered the capture of Suddam Hussien and the "spider hole," the Al Mehdi death squads, along with the tormented women who set themselves on fire in honor of the ancient practice of self sacrifice.

Baghdad Mental Hospital

After the events of 911 in 2001, she traveled to Afghanistan to document the War on Terrorism and the effect it had on the citizens of Afghanistan along with the citizens attempts to free themselves from the Taliban regime.

Photo from the War in Iraq

Ms. Diaz Meyer traveled to the Philippines and Indonesia to capture the violent Muslim and Christian extremism. Diaz Meyer later traveled to Guatemala to photograph their healing from the 36 years of civil unrest.

Where her images have been published

As a self-employed photographer has had her images published by many newspapers and magazines such as the New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, The Guardian, the Chicago Tribune, and Der Spielgel. Her images and articles have been published by websites such as The History Channel, ABC News, CSPAN, MSNBC, and CNN.

Mastery Gunner Sergent Frank Cordero, a 28 year old marine veteran, inhales the scent of a letter from his wife.


Cheryl Diaz Meyer has received many awards throughout her career. She has received the Visa D'Or Daily Press Award in 2003 at Visa Pour L'Image in Perpignan, France for the moments she captured in Iraq along with the John Faber Award from the the Overseas Press Club for the photos she took in Afghanistan, and last but definitely not least she was given the Pulitzer Prize, her greatest honor in 2004 for her Iraqi images.

This i the photo that won Diaz Meyer the Pulitzer Prize award


"Cheryl Diaz Meyer." Tech. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.

"CHERYL DIAZ MEYER | Pulitzer Prize | Photographer | PhotoJournalist | Photography." CHERYL DIAZ MEYER | Pulitzer Prize | Photographer | PhotoJournalist | Photography. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.

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