The Hungarian Revolution Jack ferguson

Revolution: Seeking or resulting in political, economic, and social change

Background Information

In March of 1848, the Hungarian revolution started in Vienna, forcing Austria's chancellor Klemens von Metternich to flee from the capital. Unrest broke out in Hungary on March 15, when radicals and students stormed the Buda fortress to attempt to release political prisoners. Under duress, the Diet's upper house approved a sweeping reform package, signed by Ferdinand, that altered almost every aspect of Hungary's economic, social, and political life.


The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 passes all of the requirements to be considered a revolution because the revolution resulted in political, economic, and social change.


Political: The political aspect of Hungary was reformed after the revolution, being one successful part of the revolution. The Hungarian national guard was reformed for the people. A national guard is beneficial to the people because the people receive protection from other citizens who they trust, instead of the government. In addition, freedom of speech and press were granted to the people after the revolution. Before the revolution, this was not allowed, but with these grants, the Hungarian society had a better chance of progressing because everyone had a say.

Support (Political): "A Hungarian national guard was established."

"Freedom of the press and assembly were created."

Economics: Economics were also reformed as a result of the Hungarian revolution, meaning 2 of 3 steps in a successful revolution occurred. First, the government could now issue one Hungarian revolution, uniting the economy. In addition, Hungary invaded and brought Transylvania under its rule. This meant more taxes and labor from the Transylvanian people, which was beneficial to the Hungarian economy. Lastly, nobles had to pay taxes, which is a benefit to the economy because the group with the money was now contributing to help Hungary instead of just themselves.

Support (Economics): "The new government claimed the right to issue currency through its own central bank."

"Transylvania was brought under Hungarian rule."

Social: Lastly, the social aspect of Hungarian revolution was reformed, making the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 a successful revolution. The social class of lower class people was raised, and the upper class had some of their rights taken away to create a more just society. Nobles now had to pay taxes, which is both a benefit to the social aspect of Hungary because it shows equality, but is also a benefit to the economy. Peasants were now allowed to own the land they worked on, so they could be more equal to the upper class, but also make more money.

Support (Social): "Guilds lost their privileges; the nobles became subject to taxation; entail, tithes, and the corvee were abolished."

"Some peasants became freehold proprietors of the land they worked."

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