I absolutely love ice cream, there is nothing more enjoyable than a chocolate flavoured cone just melting in your mouth. However sad to say with this love for ice cream there are consequences. Whenever I indulge in this guilty pleasure I would get a major sinus attack, you know the symptoms, headaches, runny nose, and congestion.

After numerous attempts of home remedies I decided to visit my doctor who gave a stern warning that I should not partake of any dairy products and that included ice cream. What! “That’s not possible I can’t just give up ice cream”

In a desperate attempt to find solutions I asked my doctor to prescribed me medication so I could continue to partake of the very thing that made ill.

How was I suppose to give up the very thing that I loved? There was a spiritual lesson to be learnt from this experience. As women of God we sometimes find ourselves in situations we know that is not healthy for us and still partake; is it that favourite steamy novel that keeps our minds impure? or could it be that television series that you are hooked to or could be the music of the world that gives no peace?

The world today wants to partake of all its evils and still wants solutions to continue in their destructive path . Instead of turning away they want acceptance in their wrongs. There is well known Bible verse in Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man,But its end is the way of death.

As children of God let us choose to do the will of the Lord even if it means giving up the very thing you love and even if it means giving up ice cream.

Written by Kayon Vaz

Created with images by Hans - "ice soft ice cream waffle ice cream"

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