The Good Life in Nature By Hannah BoDden

Nature on Display

When I entered the butterfly aviary, I was immediately captivated by the large indoor waterfall. Sights like this are rare in nature, and the ability to see a vibrant waterfall was amazing, even if it was a man made waterfall. Water is essential to all living things, and to see it freely flowing in such a powerful way is invigorating. With this exhibit I could imagine a waterfall leading to a rushing river that brings life to all around it, an aspect of nature that before I found hard to grasp. I found this part of the museum to be enjoyable because it bestowed onto me the peace that is found when one enters nature.

Nature and Ethics.

For the aspects of nature that are somewhat allusive, it is not only possible to love them in their natural habitat. Therefore if we wish to enjoy these aspects of nature, we must conquer them. At the Natural History Museum, butterfly's are killed, preserved an put on display. These dead butterflies are stored in hundreds of drawers, accounting for thousands of dead butterflies. When I first saw the butterflies, I was delighted by their beauty, horrified by their numerous killings, and finally understanding of the need to preserve butterflies for prosperity. This exhibit of the museum instilled in me a need to fully understand the need for these butterflies and consider how my actions may affect their livelihood.

Nature and the Human Spirit.

I confess, the only reason I went to the Natural History Museum was because IUF1000 forced me to. But once I stepped into the butterfly rain forest, I was immediately grateful for this assignment. This exhibit released all of the stress I felt over the semester and my life in general. The Natural History Museum helped me step out of my ordinary life by overwhelming my senses with the glory of nature. Once I was rescued from the worries of my everyday life, I was able to realize that my life amounts to more than deadlines and chemistry exams. I realized that I can become one with the mystery of the natural world and that perhaps submitting oneself to this mystery is one of the many keys to finding the good life.

Created By
Hannah Bodden

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