Mystery Writing

Showing A Character's Personality

No one wears just a jacket or drives just a car. Being specific and descriptive with your nouns is key.

Looking at this jacket, one might assume that the owner is serious, business oriented, or formal. Could you imagine the owner saying something like, "I don't have time to talk. If you would like to set up a meeting contact my assistant"?
What might be the personality of the owner of this jacket? with a partner, write 2 personality traits and 2 pieces of corresponding dialogue that you think reveals their personality.
What about these!?!? Choose 1 of these 3 jackets, decide on a personality that is conveyed by the jacket you choose and write down one thing that the owner of the jacket might own. Finally, write some dialogue (2-4 sentences) to reveal this character's unique personality.
It is possible for one character to own multiple jackets in multiple styles, just as it is possible for that character to have multiple personality traits.
For our mystery writing we will focus on developing only a few key personality traits for our characters.
Nearly any item can serve to reveal aspects of a character's personality, For our purposes we will be focusing on what a character's mode of transportation says about them.
Consider the what a car says about its owner: Do they have a family? Are they adventurous? Are they outdoorsy? Are they anti-social? Does their car relate to their work?

Your Assignment

Created By
Tyler Crane


Created with images by Sarah_Ackerman - "Sherlock Holmes" • Menswear Market - "Bijan Jacket" • greggman - "DSC03185" • ingermaaike2 - "Fire jacket" • Menswear Market - "David Green Fur Coat" • Riding on a comet - "Baseball Jacket" • Pexels - "back back view beanie" • Pexels - "adult back view black leather jacket" • thart2009 - "Need a lift?" • tpsdave - "bmw k 1300 metallic" • yonmora - "volkswagen.JPG" • bildesheim - "Truck" • Stradablog - "2012 Camry LE" • ToolManTimTaylor - "Cori's Jeep"

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