Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH Leylany Rodriguez

Nature on Display

The Butterfly Rainforest was my favorite exhibit in the entire museum. One of my favorite things about the design of the Butterfly Rainforest was how interactive it was. We were able to witness butterflies and birds in their natural habitat. It was breathtaking to see all the different types of butterflies in the exhibit and to see how friendly they were towards humans. Seeing all the plants and animals living in harmony reminded me of how important it is to protect the environment. If we continue to pollute and exploit the environment it is very likely that butterflies and other species will soon become extinct. ] The Butterfly Rainforest was enjoyable for many reasons but the main one was that the butterflies would land on you. You were able to see how truly magnificent and delicate these creatures are.

Nature and Ethics

The Natural History Museum allowed me to feel part of the "biotic community" rather than "conquers of the land" in the exhibit Frogs! A chorus of colors. This exhibit showcased live frogs and showed how vital they are to the ecosystem. The exhibit also talked about the dangers that frogs face in the environment due to all the pollution and development that humans have created. It was really sad to see that many of these creatures could be extinct in the future. This exhibit really raised awareness at how our action are affecting defenseless animals in nature. Adults and kids alike had the same horrified reaction at how our actions as humans have caused many species of frogs and toads to become endangered. After touring the exhibit, I can honestly say that the museum was able to instill an ethical responsibility in all that entered the exhibit.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The Natural History Museum does a great job of transporting you out of ordinary life. The exhibit in the picture above is on an underground cave. The museum went out of its way to replicate a real cave. It was really cool to see the fossils of different organisms inside the cave. It reminds you of how old the Earth truly is. It also puts into perspective how much the Earth and humans have evolved. And how much of the Earth's past still remains a mystery to scientist.

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