Dreams Awake ..... the ART of Joan Taylor Stokes

My passion is to create art that speaks to my heart and my soul. Interesting lines, shapes, colours, and light inspire me. I see beauty in the old and the rustic.
The Fire Within (self portrait)
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." Abram L. Urban

My style is both painterly and a bit grungy.


The beautiful art of nature inspires me.

Nature's Beauty

This piece was inspired by the whirling vortex created in Photoshop from one of my photos. It portrays the faded blooms of summer being drawn relentlessly into the cosmos.

"The hot blue-glass eyes of the mannequins watched as the ladies drifted down the empty river bottom street, their images shimmering in the windows like blossoms seen under darkly moving waters." Ray Bradbury
Love Lost

Mannequins fascinate me! They are vacuous, enigmatic, inscrutable, and portray a moody aloofness.

My mannequins have become an integral part of my creative process.

Colour or black and white? I have always loved the original coloured version of this river composite. The black and white conversion has its own beauty too and reminds me of an ink drawing.

The River House

A touch of my favourite red!

Created with some of my European photos

Joy has no season.

Joy - the black and white version

I work in the moment enjoying the place where time stands still.

It wasn't until I discovered how a photograph could be made into a piece of art that I found my real passion. Art not with a paintbrush but with the magic of my camera and Photoshop.
Created By
Joan Taylor Stokes

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