Redefining Art: Creativity in Non-Traditional Mediums Allison Daniel

Street Art

"No person shall carry an aerosol spray paint can...with intent to violate the current (graffiti) laws in place"---New York Law

Every city in the US has some law or another concerning graffiti. Most places prohibit the use of spray paint of public buildings explicitly while others have less specific laws.

Is Graffiti Art?

The term 'graffiti' carries a negative connotation along with it, linking it with crime. That is the main argument against allowing street artists to paint on buildings; the fear that it will cause more crime in those areas.

However, many street artists feel that 'graffiti' is more than just writing on a wall; it is a way for them to stand up and be heard in a society that otherwise may not listen to them.

Anyone looking at graffiti can see that well done street art is just that: art. People put in hours of work to perfect their paintings or drawings, just as any other artist would.

Changing the perception of street art

There are currently many movements attempting to replace and update graffiti laws to allow street artists to work without fear of consequences.

The shift in focus in America that is beginning to value creativity and art in the same light as science and technology is helping this movement succeed.

digital art

There was a time when digital art, and even photography, wasn't considered art either. Works created on a computer or machine couldn't be as authentic as something made by hand.

"Photography is not art. It's pressing buttons. People take it up because they can't draw." --Lord Snowdon

Reading List

  • Exit Through the Gift Shop
  • "Moving at the Speed of Creativity"
  • "The Stunning Geographic Divide in American Creativity"
  • Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things No One Ever Told You About Being Creative"
  • "Secrets of the Creative Brain"

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