Virtual tour of the National Museum of American History Food exhibition: smithsonian food history

Authors: Chiara Sabatini (Italy), Sarah Timlin (united Kingdom)

About the project: an Italian teacher and a British teachers are going to work together with students of different ages but using English as the language for the project. Italian and British students will collaborate in some activities and will also carry out activities in their schools then they will share the results.

Learning outcomes: Cook ebook (British, Italian recipes), greater awareness of different cultural influences on recipes, greater awareness of healthy eating options,greater awareness of instruction giving and sequencing of activities in this case recipes, improve language competence (in English), improve digital competence.

Activity description

All the students will explore the following website

British pupils: pupils to explore the museum website, pupils to follow a recipe in class and prepare and cook, pupils then to prepare a storyboard of the cooking activity, pupils to use these write their own instructions, time phrases such as firstly, secondly, then, finally etc., pupils to use these write their own instructions, time phrases such as firstly, secondly, then, finally etc., pupils to share these with Italian students.

Italian students: students explore the museum website, focus on healthy food and are given a blank pyramid to fill in according to what they usually eat (they work in small groups of 3-4), compare their pyramids and examine the official food pyramid, continue exploring the museum website and compare the kitchens and food changes (American, Italian, British) during time, share pics of their own kitchen and food they usually eat, share recipe of their own typical meals, create a collaborative cook ebook (British and Italian), create video tutorials for some of the recipes (to share with British pupils).

Support required: website as above, IWB, teachers and teaching assistant support, storyboard, wall display, exercise books, pens, colors, camera to take pics and videos, blank pyramid worksheet, food pyramid worksheet or Photo to be shown on the IWB, PC, laptops, smartphones, tablets (both to work and to surf the internet),

Online tools: museum website, (for the cook book), or google doc/slide and calameo (for the cook book), animoto/Photo peach for a slide show with the pics to document the activity

Assessment: teachers will assess understanding throughout the cooking process and provide verbal feedback as required, formal assessment - written work will be added to pupils’ evidence portfolios, group work will be assessed using the grid below.

Created By
Chiara Sabatini

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