Social Media Strategy and Management Proposal to T/PRC

The 3 C's of Social Media


Community refers to the target audience in which the T/PRC serves. The use of social media effectively strategized and managed can have a greater reach to serving the community.


Content refers to the messages and how they are presented on social media. This can refer to photos, videos and status updates that incite the target audience to engage with the messages. It is useful because creativity must applied in order to get the target markets's attention.


Consistency is another key element in the success of any social media strategy and delivery. To remain professional and effective, posts must be consistently published and engagement must be responded to in appropriate responses times.


1. Greater community engagement. 2 Making T/PRC events, information or updates available to the target audience. 3 Promotion of T/PRC initiatives and programs through Facebook adverts. 4 A system to have the general public be able to communicate directly with the corporation. 5 Greater efficiency in internal communications. 6 Creation of a platform to display initiatives of the current leadership of the T/PRC


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