Religious Landscapes The art of culture

Friday, December 9th, Day 1 - Today I started my trip in Bangkok, Thailand. It is beautiful here. I visited the temple Wat Po. There is a giant statue of Buddha, the religious leader of the religion of Buddhism. There is many pearls and pots made of gold surrounding the statue. This temple is considered the nicest and most elegant of all the Buddhist temples in honor of the most respected leader in Buddhism. The statue of Buddha is in this temple because this is considered to be the place where Buddha reached nirvana (peace).

Wat Po Temple

Sunday, December 11th, Day 2 - Today I visited the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Isreal. It was amazing. The inside of the dome was covered with tiles and each of the tiles tells a story about the Islamic God, Allah. The temple was built here because this is known to be the place where the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. The dome represents going to heaven because of that. The dome was a beautiful sight to see.

Dome of the Rock

Sunday, December 11th, Day 2 Continued - Today I also saw the Western Wall on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The wall was jaw-dropping. It was huge and has been standing for over a thousand years. Although I could tell the wall was wearing, it was still great to see the complexity of the architecture. This part of the Temple Mount is significant to Jewish people because long ago when the temple was destroyed, the Western Wall stood. That signifies that God is there and he is protecting them. Now the Western Wall has become one of the most holy places to visit for Jewish people to come and pray.

Western Wall

Monday, December 12th, Day 3 - I am still in Jerusalem, and today I visited the Church of the Holy Sepulture in Jerusalem, Israel. It is known to be the holiest Christian site in the world. It contains amazing murals of Jesus on the ceilings and the whole building is made of stone. The church is known to be built on the land that Jesus, God's son who died and rose again, was crucified and where his tomb was where he was buried and rose again. For Christians, it signifies Jesus dying for their sins.

Church of the Holy Sepulture

Wednesday, December 14th, Day 4 - Today I saw the Badrinath Temple in the Char Dham in Badrinath, India. It is the temple in the northern part of the Char Dham. The whole temple is so beautiful and colorful. The temple contains many statues of Gods and prophets all throughout the temple. This temple is important to the Hindu people because it is said that if you visit all four of the temples of the Char Dham, then your sins will be removed in your past life. It is also a place to come and pray to the Gods.

Badrinath Temple


Created with images by paularps - "Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock overview (Jerusalem, Israël 2013)" • Mot the barber - "DSC_0294.JPG" • prilfish - "Wat Po" • sumet_k - "buddha golden temple" • VasenkaPhotography - "Bangkok ~ Wat Po" • pracucci - "Moschea di Omar (Dome of the Rock) - Gerusalemme" • Republica - "dome of the rock shrine temple" • ibrahim62 - "dome dome of the rock architecture" • upyernoz - "Dome of the Rock" • kellinahandbasket - "Wailing Wall/ Western Wall" • israeltourism - "Western Wall" • Simon - "three zinnen lavaredo north wall" • happyjed1 - "Western Wall, Jerusalem" • Hans - "cathedral notre dame immaculée monaco" • Jorge Lascar - "The Church of the Holy Sepulchre" • Jorge Lascar - "The Church of the Holy Sepulchre" • DEZALB - "israel jerusalem holy sepulchre" • krebsmaus07 - "Church of the Holy Sepulchre - Jerusalem" • sumeet basak - "Badrinath Temple" • Pritesh Gupta - "Badrinath" • Abhishek Singh Bailoo - "Very Early Morning Badrinath" • dalbera - "Le ville d'Amber (Rajasthan)"

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