Good Life Nature Activity Sydnee vaughan

Nature on Display

"Butterfly Rainforest"

The Butterfly Rainforest at the Natural History Museum was the perfect combination of nature and fun. This was my first time visiting a butterfly rainforest and it was definitely a visit to remember. When I first walked in to the exhibit, hundreds of butterflies flew across the path; they were free. The environment resembled a natural environment for the butterflies and plants, which I found most appealing about the exhibit. While walking around through the rainforest, I was able to stop and read some of the information panels about the species of butterflies. Coming into the butterfly rainforest, I was unaware of the thousands of species of butterflies that existed. The most amazing part was that about a hundred of these species were living right there in the Butterfly Rainforest. Seeing these flying, living, breathing creatures made me realize how free they and we are, which was the most enjoyable part of this experience.

Nature and Ethics

"Frogs in Crisis"

During my visit to The Natural History Museum, I was able to experience Leopold's beliefs about the preservation and conservation of the land. This experience took place when I entered the Frog exhibition. When I first entered the many colors and sizes of the frogs first captured my attention. I had never found frogs so fascinating until I had walked through this exhibit. But more importantly, I had never experienced a greater appreciation for these amphibians than I did during my visit. Frogs play an important role in our environment, as the serve as indicators to the health of the environment. However, today, these groups of amphibians are threatened by our human actions. Although there were not many people at this specific exhibit, I could tell that some individuals were surprised and in-awe about the many different species and threats that these frogs face today in the environment. My experience at the museum definitely instilled in me an ethical responsibility to be more aware of how my actions impact the environment just as Leopold called on everyone.

Nature and the Human Spirit

"Calusa Leader's House"

During my visit to the Natural History museum, I definitely stepped out of my ordinary life. Instead, I immersed myself in a Calusa leader's house during a political ceremony in the 16th century. The Calusa were a powerful society in South Florida during the Spanish colonization time period. As I walked around the exhibit, I learned that the Spanish tried to convert the Calusa to their religion, though the Calusa remained faithful to their own beliefs. In addition, the Calusa were able to use the South Florida ecosystem to support their society for thousands of years through fishing. The fact the Calusa were able to travel, trade, and fish during this early time period shows how intelligent and strong this indigenous society was. My time in this exhibit gave me a greater understanding and appreciation of where I came from, and hopefully I can spread this appreciation to other individuals.

Created By
Sydnee Vaughan


Photo credits = me

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