Judaism Haley Browne

Judaism dates back to 2000 BC. This is the time God called to Abraham. During the first and second centuries (AD) the uprisings against the Romans led to diaspora amoungst the Jewish. In 1948 the state of Isreal was created, the time of WWII and genocide against the Jewish.

The Sects amounst the Jews consist of Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. The Orthodox is the most traditional of the three. They follow the traditions of mass revelation. Amonst that, they also adhere to the laws and ethics of The Torah.

Judaism has many different beliefs. One that all follow is the teachings of the Torah. The Torah is made up of the first five books of the bible. The religious leader, or the one who leads religious practices, is known as a Rabbi, or as a Cantor. People who follow the religion of Judaism practice their religion in places known as Synagogues. Amoung that, children who are raised under the roofs of people who follow this religion will go through either a Bar Mitzvah, or a Bat Mitzvah. A Bar Mitzvah is for the boys, when they turn either twelve or thirteen. The same for Bat Mitzvah, but for girls.

Image of a girl celebrating her Bat Mitzvah, and reading a section of the Torah aloud.

There are a few important holidays as well. Yom Kippur, is the Jewish holiday of fasting. During this time {day}, the people do not eat or drink for one full day. This gives them time to repent, or gain forgiveness for sins they have done. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year. This new year begins on September 20 and ends on the 22 of September. Hanukkah, this day begins on the 25th day of Kislev and will end on the 1st day of January. Kislev, this is the ninth month of the religious year, it also usually occurs at the same time as November and December.

A Jewish family celebrating Hanukkah


Created with images by Edgardo W. Olivera - "Fuente en la plaza del Muro de los Lamentos"

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