The Good Life Play By Lexis Fisher

The Spatial Experience

This photo was taken in the lobby of the constance theater.

When I walked into the auditorium, I noticed the set right away. The set let me imagine what the play would be about. I sat second row on the left side. This seating was very convenient because it was very close to the stage and the action. My seat affect my experience due to the closeness to the actors. It allowed me to hear and see the actors clearer. When the lights dimmed, I felt a sense of ere creep over me. The first scene of the play happened right in front of me; it happened so fast and loud that I felt right in the play not just a observer. The auditorium was slightly smaller than I expected. The stage was not that big, so the auditorium seats were few. I think the smaller auditorium allowed the audience to hear and see better, but I also think that the size could have hindered the cast due to lack of space. Place plays a role in the good life because where we are at in a certain point has a lot to do with our happiness. Idea spatial necessities would provide a better good life to someone as opposed to one person who has everything, but not in the right place.

The Social Experience

I attended the play with Alexander Aliabadi (consent was given to post this picture). This photo was taken in the lobby of the theater.

I attended the performance with Alexander Aliabadi and a few girls from my sorority. To get ready for the performance, we all went out to dinner together. It made me comfortable to attend the play with people I already knew. While waiting in line, I met a stranger who provided good company. We talked while waiting in line for the doors to the auditorium, and she sat with my group for a little bit until one of her friends showed up. She left us after that, but it was nice meeting someone new that I would not have met otherwise. The role of shared experience in the good life is important. It always adds comfort for myself when I have others to experience things with. With the role of comfort my general happiness is heightened.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

Photo of the playbill.

A central issue addressed in the play was child molestation. The priest and one of the priests in training were molested by an elder priest. The play really aimed to show that people tend not to speak up when something like that has happened to them personally. This is because they think people will not believe what they say, or they do not want to be embarrassed by the story getting out. The play shed light on child labor and how it effected children not only by over working them, but how it could also lead to death. The play also showed how if you were not of money, you could almost not attend the type of school that you want, if any. The workers were only women, and that made me think of during the wars when women were the main source of labor in the US. The play really enlightened to the fact that sexually abused victims tend not to speak out. The subject matter had no true purpose to me, but It made me think of those around me and if they could potentially be in an abusive situation and I not know it.

The Emotional Experience

This is Alexander Aliabadi and I leaving the theater after the play ended. (consent was given to post this picture)

The play hit on many topics that are not usually spoken about such as sexual abuse, child labor, and religious corruption. The play provided us with an opportunity to come clean by speaking out against injustices like sexual abuse. I got chills when it was revealed that the main character in the play was a victim. My heart ached for the character knowing that people in the real world suffer from this every day. I think the play really showed that coming clean doesn't have to have such harsh consequences. In the play when the story got out of the abuse, the abuser took full credit and tried to right his wrongs. I know that does not forgive the acts, but it is a start to show that the victim does not lose. This play gave empowerment to a section of people who feel like there is no way out. With this play's twists, turns, death, and resolution, I was distraught with my emotions. The play really captured and made the audience feel as if we were the victim in the story; that we could achieve justice.

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