Snow Fences

When I was a kid my dad put up a snow fence at the edge of our front yard every winter. I could never understand why, we didn't live near the beach and the beach was the only place snow fences made sense to me.

I took a morning this week to photograph the snow fences at the state park near my house. The rickety structures have always fascinated me. These seem destained for failure and we haven't even had a snow storm yet.

The morning was chilly, 32 degrees with a touch of frost on the sand and on the fences, but the wind was calm so I took some time to work on my self-portrait photography. I am sure the people sitting in their cars looking at the water had a good laugh as they watched the crazy lady run back and forth between her camera and the fence to strike a pose. It takes courage to be the crazy lady.

Created By
Sarah Huizenga


Copyright 2016 | Sarah Huizenga

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