Polynomials With a degree less than 3

Definitions and Examples

Polynomial Function - A function that contains only the operations of multiplication and addition with real-number coefficients, whole-number exponents and two variables

Example of a Polynomial Function

Degree of the Polynomial - The largest exponent of a polynomial

Example of a Degree of the Polynomial

Leading Coefficient - the numbers written in front of the variable with the largest exponent

Example of a Leading Coefficient

Turning Point - Any point where the graph of a function changes from increasing to decreasing or decreasing to increasing.

Example of Turning Points with a cubic function.
Example of a Turning Point with a parabola.

End Behavior - The description of the shape of the graph, from left to right, on the coordinate plane.

End behavior for a cubic function with a positive leading coefficient.

Domain - The set of x values for which the function is defined.

Range - The set of y values for which the function is defined

Example of Domain and Range with a parabola with a negative Leading Coefficient.
Example of Domain and Range with a parabola with a positive Leading Coefficient.
Example of Domain and Range for a cubic function.


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