Source: Bernhardt, Sarah.


I've actually seen this theatre before all the time when I pass by in Reitz Union, but I never knew that they did plays in it. Usually I thought they did it in the Phillips Center. When I first entered, I thought that this theatre was a pretty building, and I liked how they set it up. I sat on the right side of the theatre, so I got more of a side view when the play started. I think that I would have loved to sit in the middle because the experience would have been different, so I could have watched it better in the right side, left side, and middle. I actually like watching plays, so when the lights started dimming, and everyone got quiet, it was exciting. I was excited to see what was going to happen. The auditorium was big enough to hold a lot of people, but also smaller than a lot of theatres. I liked the size of it because it felt cozy to me. People want to find a place that they belong in, it could be your home or with a certain group of people. When you find that place it makes you happy, and it makes you feel like nothing can bring you down. This is what I think it means when it comes to the role of place in Good Life.

Source: This photo was taken by my friend Eve, who gave me her permission to use this photo.


I attended this play with my friends Eve and Sarah. I thought that with going to a play I should dress nice because I wanted to show my respect for the people that worked hard to put on this play. I thought going with friends would have been a better experience because you are sitting with people that you are comfortable with, and it would make watching the play even more fun. You would have these experiences with them that you can remember for a long time, which I believe makes friendships even stronger. Shared experiences bring a special bond between the people that you are sharing with it, which I believe brings happiness, and a good life. My face also in the picture shows how happy and silly I am to be with my friends.

Source: This photo was taken by my friend Eve, who gave me her permission to use this photo.


This play took place in Quebec City in 1905, which I didn't know anything about this time. The central issue of this play was that during that time, there was a person that Sarah Bernhardt that was seen as controversial, and was not liked by the church. In the play, you can see the battle between religion and theatre, and how the two young men who were in the play both took different paths that changed their lives completely. I actually didn't know anything about this subject, but it was interesting to learn about Sarah Bernhardt. Not only that, but I actually knew that there were children that were working in factories from what I learned in history. It was interesting to see it put on stage. They acted really well, and it seemed that they understood the history in that time period. It really shows how much America has grown as a country since that time, since there has been laws that has been placed to protect people from stuff that happened back then.

Source: This photo was taken by my friend Eve, who gave me her permission to use this photo.


I thought the moment in the play where it provided us an opportunity for katharsis was when the kid brother of Talbot died. I think it woke up everybody. It also made Talbot come clean. He didn't want to lead the life of a priest, but after his brother died, he changed his mind, and knew that he had to clean up his act, and become something to be able to support himself and his mother. Michaud was also in seminary school, but he seemed to have a love for the theatre, which was a problem with the church back then. He would have had to give it up once he became a priest, but once he meets Sarah Bernhardt, and Talbot. He finds out that he had to come clean with himself that he would not be able to follow this path of life, and wanted to be able to write plays and act. I feel like when he finally came clean he was able to be himself and be happy.

Source: This photo was taken by my friend Eve, who gave me her permission to use this photo.

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Farah Alzaatari

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