New Jersey Vs TLO by: aLExia Miller, andre villanueva, juan, hernandes, and trenten bearsheart

They have a right to able to search your backpack.

People and Argument
People and Argument side two

They do have a say in that you cannot search there backpack without permission.

The Supreme Court Decision

The supreme court states that you don't need a warrant in order to search a students backpack in a public school.

How did it affect the laws of the country?

The search did not violate the constitution, so they put more reasonable rules in schools.

How did it affect the culture of the country?

It didn't because it didn't violate the constitution they just made more reasonable requirements.


Created with images by Activedia - "law justice court" • albertoziveri - "Incase Backpacks" • Johnragai-Moment Catcher - "Where is my passport?" • dbking - "US Supreme Court" • brettneilson - "Declaration of Independence" • gnuckx - "Palestine_Gaza_NK20210"

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