
Hello my name is Faramund Mars Jones. Don't know why my middle name is mars ask my mom, anyways I live in San Francisco which is very nice i love seeing the Golden Gate Bridge at night . But i HATE high school i get teased everyday and I have anger and i just want to fight this one kid name Jeffery. I have this scar on my forehead which is from a accident my mom said but i know why because, her and my real dad had a fight i never knew my dad fully but I remember him touching my forehead and saying you will become great and powerful and heal many lives.

That's me in the back in Mr.Carters boring health class next to me is my buddy christopher he is smart I never really was but yet I pass every class but chris helps me on anything. My eye always does this weird thing my original eye color is green but if i think about my dad my eye seems to burn then i just close them. One time me and chris were in my room then I felt my body go straight to the mall and chris was there sitting there normal but I felt weird.
My mom is Heather Jones she is awesome but she is like hiding something from me and i know i have many suspensions about my life why I can heal my scars so quickly like I'm magical.......nahh who am I kidding I'm too lame for that. But the next day i was in Health class and Mr.Carters pulled me in the hallway and said I know who you really are so please wait until your 16th birthday and everything will reveal it's self. so I waited like he said for my 16th birthday and I was in my room and I felt terrible then I saw a man that looked familiar it was my Dad but he had on armor and i didn't understand then everything went away. I thought to myself that's it. I was completely confused when it was the next day I went into Mr.Carters office which had a long hallway and was super creepy I felt like I was being watched but I was just hallucinating. There was one room that I never seen neither have noticed it . There was a strange man in the room he was very unhappy he had a limp in his walk and was wearing black jacket with a tear on the side of his jacket but he was bleeding so I ran in there to help him I just gave him a touch and he was healed just like that. But the man was.....Chris????? i couldn't believe my eyes and Mr.Carters said you have finished one part of your test and now the meaning of your Life.

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