Jurna Pierre Portfolio for Teaching session Assignment

My name is Jurna Pierre and the purpose of this portfolio is to share with you my experience creating a teaching session on Adult Motivation and Participation. It was a group assignment in which the work was split between myself and two other colleagues. Our teaching method included the use of lecture, class discussion and we incorporated the use of media (2-3 YouTube videos) in between our lesson.

Assessments: To assess our learners we created what we called a "Think Bag". The think bag consisted of written out scenarios of individuals experiencing either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. We asked that our learners pick a scenario from the bag, read it out loud and explain if the individual from the scenario was experiencing intrinsic or extrinsic motivation.

What Went Well: I thought that went pretty well as it opened up the floor for class discussion. Many of the learners were interested on how both types of motivation can be applied.

What Would You Do Differently?

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