Photo Composition Project By Mathias Cerisola


I took this picture while I was down in the Tregaron Conservancy in DC. I saw a huge tree that was cut down. I jumped on top of it and i saw a lot of rocks and sticks. Then I thought of all the techniques I learned and I remembered texture.


This picture was also taken in Tregaron Conservancy. I figured the lake would give me a cool reflection of the sky. I took this picture and it kind of gave me a small illusion of staking a picture of a wavy sky.

Selective Focus

This picture is a selective focus example. The leaf is the main point in the photo.

Negative Space

This photo is a negative space example. The shoes are the main subject and the turf provides a nice background.2


This photo has a few techniques to it. Angles, repetition and a little of horizon. I like it because it focuses on the rocks and the horizon is the field/brick wall.

Leading Lines

The rocks are supposed to lead to the fence in the background. In other words this is a leading lines techniques. It can lead in different directions. Up and down.


I did not have any ideas for framing but I came up with this fence framing a little piece of the tree bark.

This is a rule of thirds image. I was walking around my school and I thought of taking a rule of thirds lock image.


Technique: Grass is repeating as you move your eyes up the photo.


This picture has a patterns of rocks all around the wall. Technique: Pattern.

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