Georgia:Founded 1788 Lorelei O'Brien

James Oglethorpe

James Oglethorpe was a British general, member of the parliament, and philanthropist. He was also the founder of the Georgia colony. Oglethorpe hoped to resettle Britain's worthy poor in the New World, initially focusing on those in debtors' prisons. James Oglethorpe lived from December 22, 1696 to June 30, 1785. (89 years). Oglethorpe was an important figure in the Georgia colony history because, first off, he was the founder of Georgia, second, he helped bring religious freedom to the colony for all religions except for the Roman Catholics. Lastly, he was important because he founded the Georgia colony to, hopefully, resettle the poor English people and the people who were in debtors' prison.


The Georgia colony was a place of religion tolerance and religion pluralism. The Georgia Royal Charter provided for all except the Roman Catholics. They didn't have a specific religion but some examples of the religions you may have found in the Georgia colony; Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and possibly Islam.


The geography of the Georgia colony geography consisted of mainly hilly plains on the coast and forest inland. The winters were mild but the summers were very hot and humid and brought disease like malaria and yellow fever. The climate made it possible for colonists to start large plantations to further provide for their family and the colony.


The economy was mainly based off plantations that grew indigo, rice, and sugar. Slavery in the colony did not appear until James Oglethorpe removed the ban of Slavery due to many constant complaints from settlers. Cotton picking did not appear in Georgia until the cotton gin was invented in 1793.

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